bermudagrass vs bahia comparison
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Bermudagrass vs bahia: which is better for your Florida lawn?

If you’re thinking about installing a new lawn you’re probably wondering which type of grass will have the best results in Florida’s climate. There are many varieties to choose from and here at Smart Sod we have the 5 best sod varieties on the fields for your home or work site. Two popular varieties are bermudagrass and bahia. The professionals at Smart Sod have outlined the pros and cons of both varieties so you can make the right decision for your home or work site and see which is best for you: Bermudagrass vs Bahia

Bermudagrass vs Bahia: Which is better for Florida lawns


Bermudagrass is a very popular sod variety in Florida. From sports fields, parks, golf courses, and lawns, it has a wide variety of uses. It is often used on sports facilities thanks to its ability to handle high foot traffic. Bermudagrass is easy to establish and does great when starting from sod. Learning about bermudagrass means understanding its benefits and challenges. Here are some of the benefits and negatives that bermudagrass may have for your lawn.

Pros and cons of bermudagrass


  • Prefers full sun
  • Handles temperatures well
  • Can be mowed very short
  • Good at tolerating drought
  • Grows quickly
  • Can handle a lot of foot traffic and bounce back quickly after being damaged


  • Brows after extended periods without water
  • Can spread into flower beds or areas
  • Browns in the winter
  • Requires a lot of sun
  • Because it’s a fast growing grass, it needs frequent mowing


If a low maintenance grass is your goal, bahiagrass may be an excellent choice for your home or work site. Bahia is popular among those in Florida thanks to its high drought and heat tolerance. Read on to learn the Pro and Cons of this variety

Pros and Cons of bahiagrass in Florida


  • Low maintenance
  • Easy planting
  • Requires only sunlight
  • Light green color
  • Fewer insects
  • Drought tolerant


  • Doesn’t tolerate shade well
  • Doesn’t grow well in high pH
  • Can have an uneven appearance
  • Some people don’t care for the light green color

Bermudagrass vs. Bahia: Which should you choose?

If you’re debating between bermudagrass and bahia you may want to consider the pro and cons for each. Both types are highly tolerant of the warm climates in Florida and do well in sandy soils, but there are differences between the two.


One big difference between these sod varieties is the color. While bermudagrass has a dark blue-green color, bahia has a light green color. Bahiagrass goes into dormacy in the cool months and may turn brown. It may also turn brown after long periods without water.

Best uses

Bermudagrass requires a slight bit more attention and is very well suited for small homes, while bahia does well in large lawns and parks with a lot of foot traffic.


Bahiagrass grows a bit slower than bermudagrass, which can be a positive if you don’t want to mow as much. Bahia only needs to be cut 2-3 inches. Bermudagrass needs more frequent mowing, as it grows faster than bahia, and can be cut to 1-3 inches.


Both varieties can stand up to droughts. Bahiagrass may lose some of its bright green color through an extended drought and turn brown, but bounces back in color quickly with adequate color. Bermudagrass fairs well through a dry year and is very resilient to drought. Like bahia, it can burn brown in extended droughts, and also greens up quickly again when conditions improve.

Foot traffic

If you’re looking for a grass for your lawn that can stand up to a lot of wear and tear, bahia may be your best bet. This grass can create an amazing and sustainable green area that does very well with high foot traffic.


Bermudagrass and Bahia are both warm season grasses that do well in Florida. While bahia is a low maintenance grass with a light green color and high ability to stand up to foot traffic, bermudagrass has a beautiful, dark green/blue color and grows quickly.
We hope this article helps you understand the differences between these sod types and help you choose between bahia and bermudagrass.

If you’re ready to get started call or text our sod experts at (816) 852-3862 or check any of our retail locations like Vision Ace Dunedin or Williams Hardware in Fort Myers.